Sunday, March 05, 2006

They tell me that I have to do some things to promote my blog

And I'm an attention whore.

1. Maximising my hits on Google
The trick, they say, to increasing blog hits, is to talk about current and hot issues. Or at least, mention them so that they'll appear on Google when some bored loser searches for these hot issues. In fact, I believe that the mere mention of the keyword is enough to trigger Google. Such as:

Tammy NYP Xiaxue Bush Blair Weapons of mass destruction Hermione Granger Emma Watson Dan Brown Brokeback Mountain Arctic Monkeys Munich Britney Jay Chou Jolin Tsai Abortion Xbox PS3 Mac Mini Core Duo Intel AMD iBook iPod iTunes Steve Jobs

Stuff like that. Yeah I'm shameless.

2. Location, location, location!
Have a catchy title! I hope mine is catchy enough. At least it's from a catchy song. By a catchy band. The Arctic Monkeys rock.

3. Shameless promotion
I put my blog in one of the forums I go to regularly, in addition to putting up an entry on a Friendster blog to redirect the people here. Friendster blogs are good in the way that they whore your blog to whoever is in your friend list via email.

There's also various blog directories you can submit your blog to.

And always remember to leave a link on any blog you visit that allows you to do so.

4. It's the content, stupid
People don't come back if the content is crap. Or if there aren't any pictures. So I hope you like what I write.


Blogger Pkchukiss said...

I have studied optimisation for Google, and from what I see, this post is going to get penalised in the rankings.

1) You need to be more focused. Each individual post will appear on its own post page, and it needs to target a particular singular topic in order to rank higher in Google.

2) Sex does not go well with Google, if mixed with other subjects. See 1).

3) Google loves keywords. If your post runs naturally with keywords emphasised in the body, gets mentioned in the introduction, and gets a further boost in the title of the document, that would help your page rank higher.

4) The days of indiscriminate linking are over. Sites which whore their addresses in irrelevant fields will get lower rankings. But it bears mentioning that this used to work in cyberspace. But not anymore.

Hope these small tips help in some way or the other.

12:23 AM  
Blogger K. C. said...

Wow, that's an interesting piece of info. My blog isn't listed under the major search engines yet, so I can't see it happenning yet. But I got a couple of hits from technorati for Tammy and Xiaxue...

Time for me to go back to the drawing board!

12:06 PM  

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