Asian, so what?

This is how the Asian community and its press reacted to the results of the Oscars.
Best Director - Lee Ang:
Yaay. Finally! See he's so good because he's Chinese! And the Americans are so racist, they never let a Chinese win before! Yaay Asians rock! Down with the Americans! Those bloody bigots! It's obvious that there's no one better than a Chinese!
Best Picture - NOT Brokeback Mountain:
What???!!! Those damn bloody racist selfish Americans! I hate them! Just because the director is Chinese they refuse to let it win even despite good public opinion! You bloody racists!
Doesn't it seem like asians - especially those of Chinese heritage - love to feel victimised? There's so much asian pride going on for Lee Ang's victory, but it's filled mainly with contempt for the western civilisation. They're acting like they had deserved some Oscars to their name since the beginning of time. But look, let's get real.
There simply aren't many asian-made movies that met the criteria for the Best Director award. I don't doubt the talent of asian directing in general, but face it, asian directors usually are in the running of asian awards, not a western award. I don't see any Americans whining about how they never managed to win a Golden Horse (Taiwan) award.
As for not getting the Best Picture award. That is just retarded. Underdogs win all the time. Just because a non Chinese directed film wins, doesn't mean they're being racist, OK? There is simply nothing to suggest any American bigotry happening here.
And I've said, asians love to feel victimised. It's not racism when a Chinese calls a westerner a 'gweilo' (devil man) but when an American calls a Chinese a chink, it has to be on the newspapers, the tabloids, the magazines and billboards.
They call Americans sexually loose and uninhibited. But many asian countries have a flourishing sex industry that attracts even Americans.
Asians are so much more technologically advanced than the western world. Because they invented paper thousands of years ago. While the western world was never complacent, and managed to invent our telephones, our computers, the printing press (to print on Chinese paper), sturdy concrete buildings, cars, electricity. And now China produces copycat goods but they're still technologically superior? Why? Because they invented paper!
If an American happens to choose Chinese food over their own, the Chinese would say he has good taste. If a Chinese eats western food at any regularity, slurs such as 'jiak kantang' (a derogatory phrase, literally means 'eat potato') would be thrown at him. He would also be accused of not recognising his own culture.
And when Australia declines to let Singapore make use of its trans-pacific aviation route, the Singaporean press called them some rather nasty things.
I'm not joking. Such double standards are an asian heritage that reporters are proud to flaunt in the national newspapers here. There are many things that disgust me when I read the papers these days. Shameless political advertising, stuck-up reporters and worst of all, asian bigotry. I can hardly finish reading the newspapers these days without feeling waves of disgust within me.
You want to know how I really feel after all these? I feel disugsted at being an asian, living in the same space, breathing the same air, eating the same food of the people that continually discriminate and mock the western world, while expecting them to treat us as their superior overlords.
Hiyah... The papers are at it again, today- going on about him not winning...
Brokeback should win! Down with da racist bastards who voted 'Crash' so they can console themselves that they aren't racist!
Oh screw you chinese guy.
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